2024 has been one hot flaming mess after another for me.
Our car broke down in April and we finally were able to get something else this past fall. Only to end up in a minor fender bender and me needing emergency surgery a week later.
Now I've got so many things coming at me. Medical bills. Overdue taxes. More car problems. I've lost two family members in the past few months as well. You know what they say. When it rains it pours. But hey, it can't rain all the time, right?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I struggled a lot this year with staying on top of my goals.
I am used to normal periods of decompression after finishing a book. This past year though, I went through some major burnout. It was the absolute worst because I have all of these amazing ideas for my stories but then I'd sit down and stare at my screen for hours or I'd get lost in a binge watch of a new show and tell myself it was to refill my creative well.
I spent a lot of my year looking exactly like this photo.
It sucks when you feel so disconnected from your passion but your passion is what feeds your family.
Even doing a passion project with a bestie couldn't cure this funk I've found myself in, but I'm trying daily to force myself to get back to the good parts of writing that I love the most. I've removed nearly all social media apps off my phone and am tracking how often I reach for it to doom scroll a feed on Facebook, Insta, Threads, Tiktok. The amount of times is embarrassing and I've got to make changes so I can continue to write and share the stories I love most.
I'm finding my joy again slowly. my focus right now is on the writing but it's hard to find balance when you have to be online to stay relevant and keep your books in front of people because how else will they discover you. All of this is to say, if you're struggling, you're not alone.
Most days I feel like I'm drowning but I'll never stop showing up for myself and for all of you.
Hang in there.
We've got this.
Much love and happy reading,